Gall Force: The Day After By Fred Herriot 450 Clare Avenue South, Welland, Ontario L3C 3B3 Canada **** **** **** Based on the "Gall Force" series created by MOVIC. **** **** **** NOTE: This is a fan-fiction story written by a "Gall Force" fan for the enjoyment of both other "Gall Force" fans and anime fans in general. It is not intended to act as a part of the official "Gall Force" continuity, nor is it intented to infringe on the rights of all legal copyright holders, including CBS-Sony Group, MOVIC and US Manga Corps/Central Park Media. Permission to re-transmit this story through the Internet; to file this story in Usenet ftp and other archives; and to print this story for distribution in fan fiction magazines and APAs granted. Full creative credit is appreciated, though. **** **** **** PART SIX - PAIRING OFF "Thank God you can finally speak English," Derek sighs. The Terrans all let out sighs of relief on hearing Catty say "good morning" to them in their own language. By now, the other Solnoids have dressed and are now helping Mrs. Ross clean up. Archimadies watches the procession with a touch of disinterest, annoyed that people were altering his domain like this, as usual without his permission. "Yes, I was able to incorporate your native language into my memory banks. It is quite similar to my native language. I believe the others would find learning English quite easy." "Hold it on the 'native' language part, madame," Maurice interrupts. "My native language is Francais, not Anglais." "As mine is Nihongo, not Eigo," Akira adds. Catty blinks. "Ah, yes. I did not realize that some of you would not be native speakers of English. I apologize if I have caused offense. If you may direct me to better interpret your languages, I could internalize them in my systems." "Perhaps later," Derek interrupts. "No offense to Maurice, Akira or Oskar, but English is the language of world communication. However, you are right, Catty. There are many languages spoken on this planet. The primary one is English, of course, but the other major languages, by the sheer number of native speakers, are French, Spanish, German, Russian, Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Dutch and Portugese." "I see," the android sighs. "So many languages. It baffles us as to how you are able to communicate at all." "Sometimes, even if we can speak a common language, we can't communicate," Len snorts. "Earth isn't a peaceful place." "In comparison to where I hail from, Earth is quite peaceful indeed," Catty warns. "Could you explain that?" Akira looks curious. "By the tone of your voice, it appears that the gods have not been merciful to your people." "No, Akira, they have not," Catty shakes her head, then notices Eluza nearby. Switching to Solnoid, she calls out, "Captain, permission to inform our hosts about our past?" Eluza considers the point, then nods. "Granted. They deserve to know." Catty nods, then begins to explain as much of the story of the Solnoid people as she could. How their ancestors had come to Malthus from another world. Their entry into space. Their encounter with the Paranoid and the start of a millennia-old war. The invention of the Planet Destroyer and its system-wrecking descendant. The destruction of Malthus and the Paranoid homeworld. The battles fought over a dozen solar systems, Earth's included. The final battle at Sigma Narse. The deaths of their leaders, and the ascention of Galt and Catty Nebulart to the role of leaders for the survivors. The peace and the separation of Solnoid and Paranoid. How the Paranoid made their warp drive malfunction to cause them to shift forward three million years in time as they came to Earth. Finally, she concludes the tale with, "And thus, we came to your hearth." The Terrans are stunned speechless. "Merciful Amaterasu," Akira calls upon the Japanese sun goddess, shaking his head. "We have fought many wars on Earth...but nothing to that sort of scale!" "And I hope that God is merciful enough to ensure we don't even get that insane," Oskar adds. "The Holocaust...the slaughter on the Eastern front during World War Two...all of them are NOTHING comparied to what Catty's people have gone through." "Indeed," Chet shudders. "It seems that Catty and her friends are classic war refugees." "Now, how the hell do we convince Ottawa of that?" Jack inquires. "I mean, they'll want proof, and if they see the technology which created TOIL and AIL, much less Catty...God, some slime would use that for shit knows what!!" "Agreed," Derek nods. "We've got quite a decision on our hands, don't we?" "Indeed," Dave sighs. "I mean, if we could find someone to explain this to, someone who could understand and help us, then it'll be alright. They can stay." "Why is there this concern about myself?" Catty looks curious. "Catty, we can conceive of sentient androids here on Earth," Derek stares at her, "...but at present, we can't build anything that is even CLOSE to what you are. If someone, someone ambitious or of evil intent, got your specs and found a way to construct someone like you...the damage he could cause would be immense!" "At least, the chance is there that you'll be dismantled and analysed," Maurice warns. "What?!!" Catty gasps, then shakes her head. "No, thank you! I do not desire to undergo that!" "And what about the others?" Derek points to the organic Solnoids, who have gathered around their companion. "Mal's an engineer. Amy's a nurse. The others...all of you possess knowledge that someone would be more than happy to go after, use for their own ends. If we did turn you over to the proper authorities, I couldn't begin to tell if when, or ever, you'd ever see a free day. Coming to Earth may be a mixed blessing for all of you." "I see your point," Catty nods. "It is a quite valid one. If I may, I wish to discuss this matter with my friends." "Certainly," Derek stands. "And if you'll excuse us, we've got to go to university." "Should we leave them alone like this?" Oskar inquires. Mrs. Ross enters the room at the time. "Shouldn't you people be on your way to school now?" "We're wondering if we should," Chet hums. "Oh, go on!" she shoos them out the door. "I can take care of our guests. Besides, you don't want to make people suspicious, do you?" "Not really," Derek laughs. * * * Sometime later, Catty has informed everyone of the problems they now face in coming to Earth. "They are very honest people, our hosts," she sighs in conclusion. "However, they have come to realize that our presence here could produce a host of problems which presently seem more complicated than our war with the Paranoid." "Shit, you got that right, Catty," Lufy mutters. "So, how exactly do we fit in?" "Or do we?" Patty adds. "We have to try," Eluza sighs. "At least, we can demonstrate to the proper authorities when the time comes that we are willing to become a part of their society." "Wouldn't it be blown out of the water when the rest of the fleet arrives?" Spea inquires. The captain sighs. "I think it's time we consider how we can salvage our equipment from Blossom." "I can do that," Catty points to herself. They stare disbelievingly at her. "Catty, you're not the least bit waterproof!" Shildy cries. The android smiles as she walks over to a bag, then pulls out a very familiar red-and-black suit. "A spacesuit!!" Amy cries on recognizing it. "I read that Terran astronauts, when they train to perform their duties in space, do so underwater," Catty smiles. "Given my own strength, I could bring all our vehicles and other heavy equipment ashore. Further, I did take the precaution to seal our primary computer system. I believe that once it is set up ashore, we can then build a communications beacon to call upon our friends." "At least we can warn them that all is not pleasant here on Earth," Shildy nods. "And another thing," Eluza sighs. "We'll have to get some sort of translators working. I don't want to depend on you, TOIL and AIL to relay what we need to our hosts, and learning English might take us a while." "I shall commence preparations immediately, Captain," Catty nods. Mrs. Ross enters the room. "Catty, dear, would you tell the others that I want to get their physical measurements." "Why?" the android switches to English. The elderly woman feels Shildy's shirt sleeve. "I think it's time we got you some civilian clothes. I don't think parading around in these things will do you much good if someone starts asking questions." "Agreed," Catty nods, then switches to Solnoid to relay the information to her friends... * * * Derek guides his car towards the apartment building later that afternoon. Behind him came the small troop of vehicles his friends used. He had found it almost impossible to concentrate on studies this day. One of his teachers had even asked him if something was wrong. Derek did not want to reveal anything about the Solnoids, but Fate gave him a handy excuse with Sally's rejection of him. Hearing that, the teacher backed off, guessing what the student was probably going through. He wondered what the others had gone through. Turning the corner, he hits the brakes so fast, Chet nearly drives his car into his backside. "What the deuce is the bloody problem?!!" the Englishman demands, then gasps. Right in front of them is a five-metre tall dark grey humanoid robot manoeuvring a section of wall with a like unit. Leaning out of the car, he yells. "Hey!!! What's going on here?!!" The robots turn their camera-eyes towards them. "Oh, they're back!" a female voice echoes from one. Derek blinks. The voice spoke English, but it was not Catty. He then remembers the voice. It was Rabby! could they have learned English so fast?...unless they were androids like Catty, or else... "Translators!!" he snaps his fingers, then yells, "Hey, Rabby, what're you building?!" "A hangar," Rabby replies. "We salvaged all we could from the Blossom, so we're putting all our vehicles away. Just a moment, Derek. We're almost done." Derek nods. The two robots...labors, he might as well call them, remembering an animation show Akira liked...quickly match the wall section to three others, forming a hangar which could easily house a Boeing 737. Two more robots slide the roof section into place. The Solnoids not in armour quickly begin to knock in pegs and nails to secure the building in place. He notices all of them are no longer in uniforms, but Earth-standard work clothes. As soon as the roof is in place and supporting beams are erected, the robots drop to one knee, their carapeces opening to allow their pilots to disembark. The cars wheel around to their normal parking spaces as everyone disembarks. "Hey!" Derek waves to Lufy. "Since when could you get at all your stuff?" "Thank Catty," Lufy thumbs the android, who had piloted one of the robots. "She snuck a spacesuit ashore, so when we got the chance, we took your boat out to the Blossom, and she dived down to drag everything out." "I dare say the lovely lady must be as strong as a tank," Chet chuckles. "She is quite handy, I must admit," Rabby smiles. "We don't like to be reminded that she is an android, but when we are reminded of it, it's quite amazing to see her in action." "How much did you get out, other than these things?" Derek thumbs the robot. "And what are they, anyway?" "Bronx-X break-through bouncers," Rabby looks up. "We brought four with us, along with ground vehicles, hovercycles and some portable communications equipment." "So you could signal your people when you get the chance," Oskar nods. "Exactly," Rabby nods. "You better keep those things under cover," Len points to the Bronz-Xs. "If a low flying aircraft, or hell, an Aurora out of Greenwood, spotted them, the jig'll be up." The Solnoids stare at the American. "You know, you guys really know how to twist your language around!" Lufy snorts. "And the Brits don't do the same thing?" Len laughs. "I say, we at least speak it properly!" Chet snaps. "Enough!!" Derek sighs. "You two're giving me a headache!" Everyone laughs. Eluza walks up. "I think it's high time we finally got to know each other." * * * "I am Eluza, commanding officer of the Solnoid battlecarrier 'Starleaf,'" the captain introduces herself, then waves to her friends. "My first officer, Rabby. My combat officer, Patty. My chief engineer, Mal. My flight controll officer, Miti." "I'm Lufy," the Attacker stands. "I used to be an Attacker, a fighter pilot, of the Ninth Expeditionary Forces. Eventually, I got seconded to Solnoid Central Intelligence." She then waves to the others. "Shildy, Spea, Amy and Catty were intelligence operatives working with the Lorelei Fleet." The two women sit. "I see," Derek nods. "It seems most of those titles don't apply much to you anymore." "They don't," Rabby looks sad. "Well, we might as well fully introduce ourselves," Derek stands. "My full name is Derek Slater. The second name is my family name, the first is my given name. I'm a third-year history student at Dalhousie University in Halifax. I'm from Halifax myself, but I suppose I'll be living in Lunenburg for a while yet to come." The other men introduce themselves, stating their full names, area of study and place of origin. "So, you're all students," Lufy hums. "That's strange. I can tell Oskar was a soldier." "So's Akira," Shildy adds. "I served in the Israeli Defence Force as a paratrooper infantryman," the Israeli explains. "In my nation, all men of my age must serve their nation, even in peace." "As for myself, I study the martial arts of my homeland," the Japanese adds. "I have never had cause to wear my nation's uniform." "Wait, wait," Spea interrupts. "Oskar, you used the word 'men.' Does that mean people like yourself?" she points to Oskar. "Yes," the Israeli nods. "What about people like us?" Miti points to herself. "Women can serve, but they're given the option of volunteering to serve in the IDF," Oskar explains. "Why?!" Spea looks confused. "Forgive me, but our societies here on Earth are quite patriarchial in format, even to this day," Oskar chuckles. At their incomprehending stares, he emphasizes. "Male-dominated. Women such as yourselves are traditionally seen as having responsibilities in the home. We're trying to strive for some sort of gender equality, but it's very hard going in many places." "I'm afraid you don't properly understand something about us," Catty interrupts. "You see, the Solnoid are, using your terms, an ALL-FEMALE race." The Terrans blink. "What was that?!" Derek gasps. "All women?!!" Akira stammers. "Good Lord, they're a race of Amazons!" Chet whistles. "I guess the Paranoid would be their Hercules, no?" Maurice hums. "If you'll forgive us for asking, but how the hell do you have kids?!" Dave inquires. "'Kids?!'" Shildy looks confused. "Little ones," Dave points to Amy and Miti. "People younger than them." "Oh!!" Eluza nods. "Replacements for those who died! Well, you see, since we fought the Paranoid for so long, we had to develop procreative genetic technology to create replacements." "You're a race of bioroids?!" Derek blinks. "If I understand that term correctly to identify a race of organic beings which are produced via artificial means, then you are correct, Derek," Catty nods. "There are some among us who believe that we did once reproduce naturally, but because the war with the Paranoid lasted so long, the destruction was so widespread, any solid historical records would have been long lost even before Malthus was itself destroyed." "And you didn't have time or the luxury to perform some sort of archaeological digs," Derek concludes. "God, now that's tragic! A people without even their own sense of history!" "Perhaps if they did have males, they would've been wiped out in the first years of the war with the Paranoid," Akira hums. "I would assume, therefore, that the Paranoid themselves are an asexual race...of one gender." "Yes," Shildy nods. "We use what you would call female terms for ourselves and male terms for the Paranoid." "It IS a story of Hercules and the Amazons," Chet muses. "Yeah, but this time, they both nearly wrecked themselves, not the Paranoid conquering the Solnoid like Hercules conquered Hippolyta," Derek shakes his head. "Probably in the early part of their war, when all the Solnoid males were killed, the Paranoid believed that your race would be finished...that is until you developed ways of growing new people to replace those you lost. That must've been a hell of a surprise for them." "From that point, it was two asexual races fighting it out," Maurice shakes his head. "Mon dieu, what was this war about, anyway?!" "We'd love to learn the answer to that question," Spea smiles. "Well, that's not for us to decide right now, if ever," Derek shakes his head. "Eluza, if you don't mind, all of us're going to go out on the 'Enterprise' for a bit. We've got to take a little time to absorb what you just told us." "Sure," Eluza nods. "We still have some work to complete." The men stand and walk out of the room. Eluza watches them go, then turns to Catty. "Catty, I want you to find out exactly how Terrans reproduce. Some questions I've long had about the Species Unification Project might actually have answers here. Ask Mrs. Ross if she can help you. Since we'll be living here for some time, most likely the remainder of our lives, we might as well learn how this happens." "Perhaps it may also explain some of the cultural taboos these people exhibit," Rabby adds. "We don't want to draw attention to ourselves if what Derek warned us earlier today may turn out to be well justified." "Of course, Captain, Commander," the android nods... * * * "Ah," Dave pours a little whiskey into the ocean, then drinks. "A little drink for the mother ocean, then myself. Cheers, guys." The others lift their drinks in a toast, then drink. The "Enterprise" drifts some distance from shore. "I never for the life of me ever believed that our first encounter with aliens would take this form," Derek sighs. "Yeah," Steve snorts. "It's like '2069,' for heaven's sake," he snickers, remembering a classic adult film. "Gentlemen, enough!" Chet snaps. "It appears we have a big problem in concern with our guests." "What's that?" Maurice stares at the Englishmen. "They have no knowledge of inter-sexual relations, Maurice," Chet stares at the Frenchman. "No knowledge of rape, no knowledge of how a lot of men consider what women should be, no knowledge of how our religions view women's place in society. Dear God, they come from a place where women did EVERYTHING! And I under normal circumstancs would personally say 'good for them!'" "The Solnoids do prove that the female are the deadlier of the species," Oskar muses. "Lord knows, fighting their enemies for so long, striving to succeed in the face of all that adversity." "The big problem is that many men have NEVER been able to accept that about women," Akira warns. "Amen to that," the Israeli nods. "I think, Chet, we're all in concordance here when it comes to their abilities and skills. We admire them, we like them and I certainly don't think I'm off the mark too much when I say that each of us have selected one we'd like to get to know far more...intimately." "In that, my wise friend, you are correct," the Englisman nods. "The question is, do we have the right to try to convince them that we'd be perfect for them. For all we know, they might have discovered some sort of lesbian-type relationship which serves them just as well emotionally." "But none of our societies really have been able to come to accept gays or lesbians," Len reminds them. "Shit, look at the flack President Clinton got when he tried to get gays the full right to serve in the U.S. Army?! The Republicans in Congress forced him to pull that 'don't ask, don't tell' garbage! What for?!" "True," Derek nods. "Although we had a much easier time of it in Canada than down south." "Still, even our country isn't free of that sort of prejudicial insanity, Derek," Steve warns. "True," the history student sits up. "However, may I also remind all of you that we should not in the least bit underestimate their intelligence. Setting Catty aside, all of them are pretty smart people." "And they are prepared to try to fit in Earth society," Chet adds. "Of course, we can't ask them to change everything about themselves. Such an idea would be so utterly stupid, it's insulting!" "So they will adjust, but we have to make sure they adjust at THEIR pace," Jack holds up a finger. "Agreed," Derek sighs. "Therefore, I STRONGLY suggest to all of you that we don't force ourselves on them, emotionally AND sexually. Let them come to their own conclusions, then choose the path they want to live their lives by. If they choose us, wonderful. If they choose each other, wonderful. If they choose someone else, also wonderful. Got it?!" The other men readily nod. "I think all of us have had some unsuccessful experiences with the fairer gender," Chet adds. "Which may explain why we're so willing to pursue liaisons with our guests. Gentlemen, please...let's show them that most Terrans, males and females alike, are NOT lust-driven barbarians!" "Right!" the other guys snap... * * * "THAT'S how it's done?!!" Amy exclaims. With Mrs. Ross' help, Catty was able to locate a book on sexual intercourse. Quickly analyzing the information had led the Solnoids to some incredible revelations about themselves. "Our bodies...our bodies could do all that?! Bear a child for nine months, then release her, just like a gestation factory does?!" Spea shakes her head incomprehensively. "Unbelievable!" "Rumy must be discovering it now with son, not to mince words!" Patty shudders, then blinks as she remembers what else happened to the "Starleaf" when it came to Earth. "Oh, no...!" she looks down. Lufy pats the combat officer's shoulder. "Relax, Patty. We understand." "So, what do we do?" Miti hums. Everyone turns to Eluza. "I realize that these revelations are quite surprising to all of you. I don't say 'shocking' because deep down, we've probably always known these things, even if there were no hard historical records to justify or deny them. I will not tell you people how to live your lives from now on. Too many people've told us how to live our lives, and we lost Malthus and Mother knows how much more because of it!" "But the guys are starting to become...attracted to us," Patty warns. "It's easy to tell right now. Derek to Lufy, Chet to Rabby, Oskar to yourself, Eluza. It's happening." "True," the captain nods. "They do not strike me as forceful people," Catty advises. "Catty, we don't KNOW what constitutes 'forceful' amonst Terrans," Spea counters. "And we have to find out," Shildy sighs. "Everyone...this may sound a little strange, but I sense deep in my heart that something brought us here. Something brought us together with these people. I think we shouldn't try to deny it." "The Great Mother, perhaps," Rabby proposes. "Or one of the Terran deities," Mal adds. "How about simple good luck?" Miti snickers. Lufy bursts out laughing. "Hey, c'mon now! Do you really realize what's happening?" "What do you mean, Lufy?" Eluza inquires. "We're simply making friends with these people," the Attacker thumbs out to sea where the "Enterprise" is visible in the darkening sky. "We're determining if we can trust them, if we can depend on them. The whole question of having a family is just icing on the cake, so to speak." "I do agree with Lufy on that matter," Catty adds. "Terrans do attach enormous importance to the care and raising of their offspring. To emotionally or physically abandon or abuse them is seen as one of the most heinous of crimes on this world." "That's right," Eluza sighs. "If you do get intimately involved with anyone, especially if your partner's a male Terran, always keep that in mind, people. They may not always remember that." "So should we start to form...pairs with the guys?" Spea inquires. "I mean, excluding Catty for obvious reasons, we're all matched up. Nine Solnoids, nine Terrans." "It's already happening," Amy adds. "Yes, it is," Eluza nods. "Well, I guess we've got a lot of thinking to do on our own...not to mention a lot of learning about ourselves, our hosts and our new homeworld." "No one said this would be easy, Eluza," Rabby notes. "True," the captain sighs. "I wonder what would've happened if the Paranoid had not sent us flying through time as well as space. Would we have discovered these sorts of things on our own or just lived out our lives like like we normally did?" "Our lives were a lot simpler back then, weren't they?" Rabby chuckles. "Certainly makes life interesting, eh?" Lufy snorts. The others burst out laughing... * * * To be continued...